
When Disaster Strikes, Can Your Company Still Communicate?

,We just never know when a natural disaster is going to happen. How will it affect how your business operates? The recent disasters such as flooding, snow and even an outbreak of a virus can put pressure on many businesses.
If your business revolves around your office in a fixed location it’s critical to invest in a communication system which can be accessed remotely.
The internet has greatly helped when making a disaster recovery plan. Businesses have the ability to access files, communicate with social media followers, send emails and even make and receive calls using your business number, regardless of location. This allows you to take control of your business from anywhere.
With a business phone system from Primo Dialler, users can still make and receive calls regardless of their location, by logging into our Virtual PBX and connecting their extension.

Telecommunications Disaster Recovery

Traditionally businesses have operated using a fixed landline number which is hardwired into a telecommunications network. The problem with this is if a natural disaster happens such as flooding, you might be unable to make and receive calls.
Businesses that rely on telecommunications to communicate with clients could be left unable to receive orders, handle support or deal with enquiries. Potentially costing the business thousands of pounds and creating some unhappy customers who are left in the dark.
Even if you can’t solve the call, explaining the situation and how best to communicate could look more professional than just not answering calls.

What Telecommunications Solutions Should I Put in Place to Deal with a Crisis?

By using a business phone system which uses VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), businesses can log in to their dashboard and control their phone system. This can provide them with several options to continue to receive business calls:

Connecting an IP Phone or Softphone

Users can log in to their virtual PBX and obtain credentials to their phone extensions. This allows them to connect either an IP Phone, Softphone (software on the computer), Mobile App or Webphone.
The benefit of doing it this way is that it doesn’t matter where you’re based you can still receive calls as normal without incurring additional costs. Your phone will behave as it would if you’re in the office. This means you will still receive calls as part of groups or IVRs.
Our new webphone can make it even easier to log in and make calls, it even has a presence indicator and a chat facility to help you connect with colleagues.

Call Forwarding

Users can set up call forwarding or diverts to send calls to another number. This could be a mobile number or even another landline number. Unlike the first option (connecting an IP phone), calls that are diverted are charged by the rate of the number diverted to. For example, a divert to a mobile phone is the same process as dialling out to your mobile.

Follow Me

Follow me is where the call will ring between your IP Phone or your divert number until someone answers. This is great for people that are generally on the move and won’t know if they are near a phone or not. If you take the call on the IP phone you will save money as it will still be run over the network. However, picking it up via the call forwarding will again cost for the outbound call to that divert number.
This will allow you to handle calls from your business number, regardless of location.

Other Resources which can Help

Many internet-based companies now use a variety of software which can allow them to work remotely. These can be things such as accounts software, file sharing applications, email, messaging and CRM’s.
Some of the most popular include:
Accounts Software: Xero/Quickbooks
Chat: Skype/Slack
File-Sharing: Dropbox/Google Drive
CRM: Salesforce/Zoho CRM

What about Primo Dialler Predictive Dialler Clients?

Primo’s call centre solutions are all based in the cloud. Even if we were to suffer from a natural disaster, we have plans in place to support our software.
However, as our solutions are based in the cloud, clients and support staff can log in to our solutions and operate them at remote locations. This can mean agents can set up softphones at home and continue using the dialler similar to being in the call centre.
Most CRM’s are now based in the cloud, meaning users can access and update databases regardless of location.
Call centre managers can store data in dropbox or google drive. This can allow them to access the data whenever they need to call new people.
Using the advanced reporting you can monitor agents and track their performance. Making sure they’re not inactive or underperforming (by being distracted by home comforts).


The impact of a natural disaster on a business and it’s employees can be devastating. Whilst some businesses such as restaurants might rely heavily on their location, others can continue to work with remote access.
By investing in online technology and making sure everyone knows protocol if such an event should occur. Businesses can at least continue to operate to certain degrees.
If you wish to learn more about how our VoIP Dialler or VoIP phone system can help please get in touch.

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