field sales teams dialler

What does the future hold for field sales teams?

Field sales teams have effectively come to a halt since the lockdown has commenced. As they can’t currently visit peoples home what does the future hold for the field sales teams?

Adapting to survive

Like most of us during this difficult period, they need to adapt to survive. Many sales jobs focus heavily on commission, therefore basic pay if furloughed could cause issues. Which is why it’s worth finding a way to continue to sell without visiting peoples home.

The solution

The next best thing to knocking on peoples doors in having phone conversations with them. This can allow sales teams to continue to speak to people and explain exactly what they do. If they are insistent on seeing the lead face to face, they could set up a video meeting to discuss further.

What do I need to run an effective cold calling campaign? 


The first thing you need when creating a campaign is data. This will be the names and numbers of people to call. Make sure that you purchase your data from reputable sources and abide by any rules laid out by the ICO. 

Hosted Dialler

Making calls one by one running through a list can be tedious. For successful campaigns where you need to reach a lot of people, you will need a hosted dialler to handle calls.
This will allow multiple agents to login and start making calls easily. Each will have their own login so performance can be tracked. 
As agents have now shifted to work from home you will need to look for a hosted dialler which offers remote working functionality. Some agents will have PC’s or laptops and can use softphones, others may have tablets whilst some might only have a mobile phone. By using a mobile-friendly dialler provider such as Primo Dialler your field sales team can choose which suits them.    


To manage large data sets you will need to a content management system. This will allow you to keep detailed up to date information on all your contacts. Agents will be able to manage inbound calls more efficiently.
Finding a dialler provider (such as Primo Dialler) which can integrate with a CRM will allow users to create a seamless omnichannel solution.
Many businesses have now found themselves in a situation where they need to adapt to survive. The future for field sales teams is to switch up the way they go about attracting clients. This might mean less face to face meetings but they can continue to sell from the comfort of their own homes.
If your field sales team is looking to move from door to door sales to phone-based sales then get in touch. Primo Dialler provides dialler solutions with no long term commitments, allowing field sales teams to take advantage of the dialler until they can safely return to work.
Our support team can get your dialler up and running in less than 48 hours.
Speak to Abdul either by phone or email on:
+44 161 710 2740

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